In case you missed it in Campus Connections:
Bridget Moix, Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) Legislative Secretary, is speaking on "Peace is Possible: Shifting from War Making to War Prevention." The talk is Monday, Oct. 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the Ronk Lecture Hall at Schar College of Education.
This lecture is sponsored by the Ashland Center for Nonviolence and the College of Arts and Sciences Symposium "Against Global Indifference: Awakening to Action." This presentation is free and open to the public.
Moix will discuss the process of implementing peace on a global level. She believes it is possible for peace to be the first option in a conflict situation, rather than having nations immediately default to a state of conflict. Peace becomes a viable option when it is encouraged through specific peaceful tactics. Strategies for facilitating peace include working to combat poverty, placing an emphasis on human rights and safety, and allocating resources fairly.
Strategies to uphold peace over conflict will lead to a more secure global environment that reinforces human rights and offers security to all persons. Peaceful prevention is a fairly recent movement, but one that will be essential as the global climate continues to change and global resources become more limited.
Moix leads the Peaceful Prevention of Deadly Conflict program and has worked for more than 12 years on peace and conflict issues within the U.S. and international policy arenas. She began her career with FCNL as an intern in 1996 and worked as a legislative secretary from 2002-2006. She returned to FCNL in September 2008.
Previously she worked with Oxfam America as a policy adviser on Sudan (2005), the Quaker United Nations Office in New York under a New Voices fellowship (2000-2002), the World Policy Institute's Arms Trade Resource Center (1998-2000), the Quaker Peace Center in Cape Town, South Africa (1999), and as an intern with the American Friends Service Committee during college. She returned to Washington, D.C. after spending over two years in Mexico City where she directed the Casa de los Amigos, a small Quaker peace and hospitality center.
Moix holds a master's of International Affairs from Columbia University, where she focused her studies on human security and international conflict resolution. She received her undergraduate degree in Sociology and Nonfiction Writing from Ohio Wesleyan in 1996.
While in Ohio, Moix also will be speaking on the same topic at the Unitarian Universalist Church located at 3186 Burbank Road in Wooster. This presentation, sponsored by the Ashland Center for Nonviolence and the Unitarian Universalist Church, will be given at both the 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. services on Sunday, Oct. 16, and is free and open to the public.
When: October 17th at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Ronk Lecture Hall at Schar College of Education
Sponsored by: ACN and the College of Arts and Sciences
Event Cost: FREE